Order the book

 The ACT 2 LEAD book was published on October 23, 2023, by Ketterät Kirjat as part of its CxO Academy book series. It was published in Finnish, as a softback and as an e-book. English version may be published later.

You can order the printed book at the Ketterät kirjat website. The e-book can be ordered at Ellibs.

You will find the book also in major Finnish bookstores.

This book is for anyone who wants to understand what testing is. Understanding testing will help you to lead and improve your testing - whether outsourced or in-house. CEO, CIO or CTO - this is the testing book for you, too! The book is useful for anyone in the software development business, e.g., product owners, project managers, designers, programmers, testers and test managers. The book fits for students too.

The book is written in the form of questions. You can read the book chapter by chapter and in any order you like. We answer the questions based on a total of more than 50 years of testing experience. We do not claim that our answers are absolutely correct, as there are different opinions. We answer to share our thoughts about testing and to get the discussion started. There are more than 30 questions and dozens of examples from our careers. The book also includes 20 possible ways to improve testing.

The book reminds leaders to be proactive and lead testing also when, or especially when, testing is outsourced. To support leaders in this, we have introduced the ACT 2 LEAD mnemonic. Read the book and learn what it means!

Be sure to question all our answers and ask questions. Just like a good tester does!

Examples of the questions answered (see the whole Table of Contents of the book in Finnish here):

  • What is testing?
  • What is quality?
  • What is quality assurance?
  • What is quality assistance?
  • When does testing start?
  • What is the best way to test?
  • How to recruit testers?
  • How to organize testing?
  • What is test planning?
  • What kind of test types are there?
  • What kind of approaches to testing are there?
  • How to find what to improve in testing?
  • How to improve or speed up testing?
  • How to improve testing competence?
  • What is test coverage?
  • What is test automation?
  • How to manage test data?

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