The book is now officially launched

 The book is now officially launched!

The publishing party was kept on 23.10.2023. We had about 20 people celebrating the launch of the book with us. There were our families, friends, reviewers and, of course, testing professionals too.

The party was opened by our publisher, Reino Myllymäki from Ketterät Kirjat Oy. He gave a short introduction to our book project from his point of view, and he raised a toast for us. Cheers! Reino also mentioned how it was to make a book with testers. According to him, the most significant difference was how we reported bugs and findings from the book in its editing phase, as we reported those quite detailed... as we would report bugs. At least there was no chance of misunderstandings, as we had about 12 rounds of editing.

After the lovely words from Reino, Marko introduced the story of making the book. He shared the observations and conclusions of why we believed, and still believe, that there is a need to change how people THINK about testing. Then he covered the book's structure, working model, learnings and all tasks we had.

After Marko's talk, Kari explained different meanings of the ACT 2 LEAD -term and what it means as heuristic (mnemonic). We had some questions from the audience and discussed testing.

After 45 minutes of talks, we had time to mingle and discuss while enjoying sparkling wine and snacks. We had excellent discussions about the book and testing.After about two and a half hours, it was time to close the event. It was nice to see that this kind of event does not need to be taken too seriously. Instead, we laughed a lot in a relaxed atmosphere, and everyone enjoyed celebrating the book with us.Thank you, participants, for making the event so lovely and warm!We are happy to share the same presentations with you, so if you are interested, just contact us!


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